Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fondant Shapes on Wire
There are a couple of tricks to successfully wire fondant shapes.
  1. Choose the correct gauge of wire. This will depend on the size and thickness of the shapes you intend to make. The highest gauge is No.18, the finest is No.33.
  1. I do not use the hook technique when making my wired shapes. I insert the wire into the shape, approximately 4mm deep then remove it. Brush the end of the wire to be inserted with sugar glue, this will ensure the wire does not move. Then reintroduce the glued wire end  to the little hole you previously made in the shape.
  2. Place the wired shape flat onto a drying surface and leave for 24 hours. Carefully lifting the shape with one hand and the wire with the other hand, and turn it over, leave it for another 24 hours to dry on this side of the shape
  1. Repeat the turning until the shape is complete dry. Make the wired shaped well in advance of the date you need them, the longer the better. Cut wires to desired lengths
  1. Finally, either brush with shimmer or spray with colour mist. For a glitzy look sprinkle edible cake sparkles as a finishing touch.
  1. Warning: never insert the wires directly into cakes, they should be placed into a plastic flower spike which has been placed into the cake.

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